
The Experimental Movement and Media Arts Lab (EMMA) at the Advanced Computing Center of the Arts and Design presents, "We Will Be Going On Now" with Laurie Atkins, Ariadne Mikou, and Rachael Riggs-Leyva. The concert includes choreographies ranging from the 1940's to the presentby Jean Erdman, Trisha Brown and Norah Zuniga-Shaw and features 3D animation, real-time ineractive sound, and motion capture.

Thursday-Saturday, November 13-15, 2008 8pm
EMMA Lab at ACCAD, 1224 Kinnear Rd.

Admission is free, but advance reservation is required due to limited seating.
For reservations: info.goingon@gmail.com

We hope to see you there!
Ariadne, Laurie and Rachael